Navigating career growth and opportunities with Nathaniel Willsie 

April 18, 2024

Eager to grow within Canada’s expansive auto care sector, Nathaniel Willsie of Grote Industries has been working in the industry for eight years. Throughout his career, Nathaniel has been involved with AIA Canada and the Manitoba Division and has contributed to the Young Professionals in the Auto care sector (YPA) Committee for five years, making connections and expanding his network at YPA events, learning from others from across the industry. And, if the opportunity presents itself, mentoring those who have just dipped their toes into the industry. 

Nathaniel Willsie, Grote Industries

At a glance 

Name: Nathaniel Willsie 

Job title and company: Western Heavy Duty Sales Manager, Grote Industries 

Years of experience: I have worked with Grote for eight years.

Years in the YPA: Almost five years—I joined in Spring of 2019.

What inspired you to work in the auto care sector? 

The auto care sector is a major industry that has a broad reach and impact across many critical sectors and services in North America, from suppliers, manufacturers, and service providers. The idea of being involved in such a huge industry excites me and made me want to get involved. 

You are involved in the Young professionals in the Auto care community— what does it mean to you? 

As I personally look back on my career within the industry, the YPA has enabled me to grow as a young professional. As someone who strongly believes in the importance of networking—including the opportunity to learn from others and prosper in the industry—the YPA has allowed me to prioritize networking opportunities and ultimately, has supported the advancement of my career. I always value the events that the YPA put on. Finally, I enjoy the opportunity to influence those entering the industry and look forward to continuing to do so. 

What advice do you have for someone starting out in the industry? 

The auto care sector is a massive industry, yet it is like a family. I encourage those new to the industry to reach out to their colleagues and members of YPA for insight and support. It is a rewarding and challenging career that is opportunity-rich! 

About Grote Industries 

Grote Industries is a leading worldwide manufacturer and supplier of lighting products and safety systems for a variety of heavy-duty trucks and trailers, vocational and passenger vehicles, plus lighting in industries such as agriculture, mining, forestry, construction, emergency/rescue, municipal, recreational, and military. Grote engineers and manufactures LED, fluorescent, and incandescent interior lamps, exterior stop/tail/turn signal and marker lamps, as well as mirrors, power and communication delivery systems, connections, and reflective accessories. 

About the Young Professionals in the Auto care sector 

Young Professionals in the Auto care sector (YPA) is an Automotive Industries Association of Canada (AIA Canada) community comprising of young executives, of 45 years or younger, in the Canadian auto care sector. They support the career growth of young professionals by expanding their network and assisting them in becoming a thought leader in Canada’s auto care industry. 


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  • When exiting the lot
    • Select form of payment
      1. Credit card
      2. Debit card
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      1. Manually enter 1120313 at the pay station and the rate will be applied
    • Scan the Park’N Fly ticket