
Home Events

AIA Canada events offer the opportunity to come together and engage as an industry. At our events, members and non-members can learn new skills to reach new career heights, exchange information, and network to form meaningful connections.

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If you are an AIA Canada member and would like to submit your event to our events calendar, please contact

Do you have an event you want other AIA Canada members to know about? Submit your event to have it added to our events calendar. 

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April 15, 2025 
AIA Canada member voting delegates, join us and take part in shaping the organization’s future leadership. AIA Canada Annual General Meeting is an opportunity for the association’s member companies in good standing to have their voting delegate attend and represent their organization’s interests in the decision making of AIA Canada’s...
May 12, 2025 
to May 15, 2025
Auto Care Connect is where leaders and diverse segments of the auto care world come together to ignite innovation, foster collaboration, and accelerate the industry’s growth. This event experience allows audiences to choose their educational sessions ranging from high level strategic opportunities to technical breakouts and everything in between.
May 29, 2025 
Join members of the auto care sector on May 29, 2025, for the AIA Canada Quebec Division golf tournament at the Golf Le Grand Portneuf. For an exceptionally friendly day, the tournament will begin with a simultaneous shotgun start, and the game will be played in a Vegas-style format with...
June 12, 2025 
Since its start in 1973, Shad’s R&R Golf Tournament has helped raise over $5.5 million for Muscular Dystrophy Canada. The tournament, which regularly hosts over 300 in attendance, has become one of the most highly anticipated industry events, bringing players from all over the auto care sector to play golf...
September 17, 2025 
to September 18, 2025
The Canadian Collision Industry Forum is Canada’s largest gathering of collision industry stakeholders. CCIF Calgary offers collision repairers, insurers, suppliers and service providers, original equipment manufacturers and dealers a unique opportunity to connect in one central location to network and attend professional development sessions.  The full day of presentations and...

Curbside Chat vodcast

Discussing real issues with the professionals who drive the auto care sector.

Curbside Chat is a video podcast series that is hosted by the AIA Canada Chairman and gives sector professionals a forum to talk about the issues important to the Canadian auto care industry with the people who make things happen.

Canada Night

The Automotive Industries Association of Canada’s most anticipated networking event, Canada Night, is held in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States during the AAPEX and SEMA trade shows. This gala evening provides Canadian businesses from the entire auto care supply chain an unparalleled opportunity to build and maintain relationships with a who’s who of the Canadian auto care industry. Join us to find out why Canada Night has been an AIA Canada tradition for over 50 years.

Park N Fly Benefits

How the program works

  • Members select their departure city from the drop-down menu
    1. Choose Valet or Self-Park where applicable
    2. Enter their outbound and return dates
    3. Click find your rate
    4. The rates will automatically load
    5. Print a copy of the coupon
  • When exiting the lot
    1. Scan the printed Park’N Fly coupon at the Self-Park pay station
  • If members are using a Valet location
    • Hand a copy of the printed voucher to the agent at check-out or give them the discount code 1120313 once the code is entered by the agent the rate will automatically append to the AIA Canada rate program.
  • Discount Code 1120313
  • At check out members simply scan their pre-printed coupon the Valet or Self-Park pay station
  • When exiting the lot
    • Select form of payment
      1. Credit card
      2. Debit card
    • If they have any difficulties simply
      1. Manually enter 1120313 at the pay station and the rate will be applied
    • Scan the Park’N Fly ticket