The type of work that automotive tradespeople do is being transformed. The development and expansion of electric vehicle sales have driven a need for new skills and expertise in automotive repair and maintenance.
Automotive Industries Association of Canada has joined forces with St. Lawrence College and Plug N’ Drive to offer FREE training programs to develop new expertise and skills in the auto care industry.
The Career Exploration training program consists of a hands-on exploratory experience for automotive industry job seekers. Participants may be eligible for supports like work boots, basic tools, safety equipment, reference books, etc. as well as transportation assistance.
The Electric Vehicle (EV) Up-skilling training program is an up-skilling course allowing current licensed automotive technicians and senior level apprentices to develop maintenance and repair skills relating to EVs.
The Advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) training program is an up-skilling course allowing current licensed automotive technicians and senior level apprentices to master their understanding of ADAS as well as develop maintenance and repair skills relating to ADAS.
Apply now by completing the form below.
Contact your training consultant, Larry MacDonell, Program Coordinator, Innovation in Automotive Training at
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