Take a stand. Take the pledge. Become a vehicle data champion
When we launched the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.™ campaign in Canada, we knew we would need the help of our members to spread the message about the importance of vehicle data. Reality is, Canadians are unaware of the amount and kind of data their cars collect and transmit, or what that data is used for.
We need to change that.
The fight for control of and access to vehicle data is an issue that’s important for the sustainability of the entire aftermarket industry. It will take all of us working together to help educate Canadians and influence the government to introduce regulations to protect the data rights of every vehicle owner in Canada.
That’s why we’re asking you to take the vehicle data pledge.
By taking the pledge, you show your company’s support for the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.™ campaign and, just as importantly, your support for the rights of every Canadian vehicle owner from coast to coast.
You’ll be able to select from a list of steps you and your company can take to help spread the message, including to sign our petition.
Every bit helps. Do whatever works for you, but do something.
The pledge form also allows you to add your company logo to become a champion on our Industry Champions page — a great way to help unify the Canadian aftermarket behind this movement that touches all of us.
Become a champion today